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Thursday, December 8, 2011

Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back With TEXT Messages?

If you want to get your ex boyfriend back, you know this has happened to you.

You stand there, looking at your phone, your thumb quivering over the
keypad . . .

You want him back more than anything. You want to feel his arms around you.
You want him to apologize for everything he said and be yours again . . . to be your
boyfriend again. To be your lover. To be your friend . . .

TXB Split PageBut your thumb just shakes. You think about him out there without you. Out there with
another girl.
You feel this awful nausea through your whole body . . .

And you put your phone back in your pocket wondering what the heck you should say.

Well, now there’s good news for you. Michael Fiore (who’s appeared on the Rachael Ray show among other programs) has come up with a simple method for using TEXT MESSAGES to to drag your man back to you like a tractor beam . . . to erase all the negative thoughts he has about you and to create the relationship you’ve always wanted with the man of your dreams . . .

“Text messages are the closest thing we have to telepathy,” says Fiore. “With the right texts you can short circuit a man’s critical brain and awaken those deep feelings he still has for you in his heart no matter how hard he tries to deny them. Just send the right messages in the right order and you’ll be amazed at how he ‘decides’ he wants you back all on his own, without you ever having to beg, cry or even hint that you want him back in your life.”

Go watch this short video  to learn Michael Fiore’s method for using TEXT MESSAGES
to bring that man back into your life (and your bed) . . . it works no matter how long you’ve been broken up, no matter who broke up with who and even if he’s seeing someone else now.

But one quick warning: “Please, don’t use this stuff if you’re manipulative or abusive towards your ex boyfriend. It’s very powerful stuff and I only want you to use this if you truly believe you and your ex boyfriend are meant to be together.”

Here’s the video link again: click here!!!

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