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Thursday, February 16, 2012

5 Signs He's In Love With You

Dear friend,

Men have a very difficult time expressing their feelings and saying "I love you" is always a big deal for them.

But no worries!

You can still find out how he feels about you, because he's going to give himself away. 
Apart from this obvious three-word "proof" of his love, EVERY man shows some sort of signs that he's in love with you.

If you stay patient and pay attention, you're going to find out the "truth" about his real feeling.
Attract True LoveThere is a small chance your man will show any of these signs on a first date.

You can not expect to see them in a first weeks of dating either - men are shy when it comes to love.

But if you've been dating for a while - stay alert. That's when you can find out if he's in love with you.

If a man, who you've been dating for quite a while, shows any of these five signs - he's clearly in love with you.

1. He Wants To Cuddle

If he's not a touchy-feely type of person, but you find him constantly cuddling you - that's a sign he's in love with you. Men are always happy to cuddle with someone they love. So if you find him cuddling in a morning - you already have one clue for his true feeling.

2. He Introduces You To His Friends And Family

A man is never scared to show his friends and family how happy he is with a woman.
And if he introduces you to his friends - this is a good sign. If he introduces you to his family - that's even a better sign! That means he's really into you and he wants everyone to know about it. Men don't bring just any girl to their parent's house. So if you get to meet his friends and family - that's a sing he has a true feelings for you.

3. He's Calling You First To Make Plans With You

When a guy is calling or texting you first, that means he really likes spending his time with you. If he calls you earlier in a day to make plans with you - he really wants to see you. This is a sign he's in love - he want to make sure he'll get to spend time with you, before you made any other plans.

4. He Spends Time With You On Weekends

Friday and Saturday nights are the "prime" nights for men. They always plan them in advance to make sure they're going to have a good time. So if the girls he's dating is not very special for him, he'll better spend time with his buddies.

But when a guy's asking you out on Friday and Saturday nights, that's when he's really into you. He knows that if he's going to spend them with you - a good time guaranteed. So if you get to spend with him a whole weekend - he's really into you.

5. He Makes You Feel Special

Has your boyfriend ever planned out a great date for you?

A guy won't put a lot of effort to make just any girl feel special. 

If your man makes you laugh and planes out great dates for you - that's a sign he's really in love with you. He puts some effort into making your time fun and exciting, - not just asking you to "grab a drink" - because he loves you and he cares about you.

So if you are able to feel special and have fun with him, that's the sign he really loves you.

If you have a boyfriend that hasn't admitted his true feeling for you yet - look for these signs. If he shows some, or even all of these signs - he's truly in love with you!

But if some time has past and you still can't see any of these signs - there is a chance he just needs some more time to figure his feelings out, or he's just not that into you.

But you can always do something about it!

You can actually make him fall in love with you quickly and easily. You can give him that special feeling that you are The ONE for him, so that he'll fall for you, commit to you and even become addicted to you.

In fact, you can start RIGHT NOW with The 3 Secrets About Men That Every Women Should Know About.

I know you can do it!

All you have to do is to start right now. Click here!!!

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